Client Spotlight: Silk + Sonder
If you’ve read our “About Us” page, you know that one of the reasons we started Conjured was to provide ourselves, our employees, and ultimately our clients, freedom through software. The decision to build a remote, “lifestyle” business was born largely from the desire to provide the best working environment for ourselves and our employees - particularly after the burnout we experienced in our previous careers.
As a result, we’re big advocates for mental health and well-being, so we’re thrilled to be showcasing Silk + Sonder, a company focused on helping people take charge of their lives and their self-care.
In their own words:
Silk + Sonder is a wellness program that helps members reclaim the driver's seat of their lives through a science-backed, community-driven approach to self-care. Our guided monthly journals combine the best of positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and bullet journaling to reduce anxiety and stress while our companion app houses our members-only network, guided audio prompts, and adaptive wellness exercises to inspire your best self. Join us to grow your own way and live life on your own terms.
Silk + Sonder’s membership program ships monthly journals to their members that include writing prompts, habit and mood trackers, inspirational quotes, and so much more - all aimed at helping their members achieve their self-care goals. Speaking candidly, as someone who suffers from anxiety an panic attacks, journaling has made a huge difference in my mental health, so we think what Silk + Sonder are doing is brilliant. Their founder Meha’s story certainly resonated, and is worth a read.
Silk + Sonder launched their referral program with Conjured Referrals at the request of their members. They told us:
Our customers often tell us they see themselves as brand advocates and that they love sharing Silk + Sonder with their friends and families. A referral program helps us celebrate our current customer-turned-brand-advocate by helping them pay Silk + Sonder forward in an easy, meaningful way.
Their straight-forward “Give $10, Get $10” referral program is the perfect example of an easy-to-understand, yet meaningful incentive, so it’s not surprising Silk + Sonder has already had good success from their campaign. It’s clear they’ve also spent time making sure the page fits their branding, in both style and tone, which makes a huge difference in earning trust and credibility with customers with a campaign like this.
Finally, Silk + Sonder knows their audience - their product is one that lends itself well to word-of-mouth marketing. Not every brand is one that people want to tell their friends about, but Silk + Sonder’s journals and other self-care tools are the exactly the type of products people would want to share with their friends given how big a positive impact they can have.
We are so happy that we’re able to help Silk + Sonder’s customers shout from the rooftops about the brand. Their mission to empower people to take the reins in their own lives and proactively approach self-care is one we believe everyone should get behind!
If you’re interested in being a part of our Client Spotlight series, contact us!